Wind and Rainstorm Raging

Lt. (j.g.) Gilbert Steingart
U.S.S. Ocelot, F.P.O. San Francisco
Saturday 16 December 1944, 9:00 PM

Dearest Eleanor,

          Here I am again and none the worse after yesterday's "flier." Awoke this morning to find quite a wind and rainstorm raging.  It was so rough that all the small boats were secured. 

          However, the show must go on so I went to my office and worked steadily all morning until eleven o'clock at which time I wrote a few more letters.  Now I'm almost all caught up.

          The mail didn't bring me a thing today except a letter from the Naval Supply Depot in Oakland informing me of a shipment of 32 more books for our library.

          After lunch I read for a while and then called a rehearsal of our Glee Club for 2:00 PM.  We worked for an hour and some of the numbers really sound good.

          After the rehearsal I censored some mail, showered and read some more.  Before I knew it was time for dinner.  After that I played some checkers with Mr. Roberts, my worthy opponent.

          The movie tonight was good.  It was Maria Montez and Jon Hall in "Gypsy Wildcat" and in Technicolor.  We only had one showing because we are taking on stores tonight. So there is lots of work to be done.

          Now that our library is catalogued I am having our records indexed.  We have quite a number but no one really knows what we have, but we will.

          Well Honey, time is moving right along and soon it will be Xmas.  I can hardly picture it without you and our girls being with me.  Darling, do you remember how excited the kids were with the tree last year?  I do hope you got another nice one for them this year and decorate it "pretty-like."  I believe last year at this time it was already purchased and in the house.  Next year we all have a date to buy and decorate our tree.

          There is really nothing more to write about.  I've gotten used to the heat, no heat rash to complain of.  My cold has completely cleared up and my room is still the coolest on the ship (and I'm keeping it a secret).  Ambie was up for a while today. We had a lot of kidding when he came topside.

          Good night darling, my love. You are still the only girl I dream about when I'm awake and when I'm asleep.



 Taking on Stores

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