Sheath Knife

Lieut. Gilbert Steingart
U.S.S. Ocelot, F.P.O. San Francisco
Wednesday 20 June 1945, 6:50 PM
Dearest Eleanor,
          Today was just another day of work.  I was busy all morning.  I cancelled the afternoon appointments because of surprise inspection by the fleet medical officer.  By the time he left sick bay it was after three so there wasn't anything more for me to do but crap out.
          I stripped down to my skivvies, censored mail and read until 5:00 PM.  Then I showered and dressed for dinner.  No cribbage game tonight so here I am.
          The mailman brought me five more letters today postmarked the 12th and 13th so here goes.  I see you are still teaching.  Bet you'll make as much this month as I do.
          About money matters.  The reserve account should be 100% available now and if it is, close it and transfer the funds to the checking account.  About your spending I had my say and I know you'll be careful.
          Is the knife you're sending me a sheath knife?  I bought one out here for $1.95 but it isn't much good, the regular Marine issue should be much better.
          I'll try to look up Simmie the first time I go ashore.  Now that I have his address he shouldn't be hard to find.A         
          I really enjoyed those little pictures but was disappointed in the minicolor shot.  It isn't very clear, how much did it cost?  I'm saving all pictures and I'm really looking forward to the rest if they are better than those you sent.
          In about ten days I'm giving a little "wetting down" party at the club for a few ship's officers and will shoot the spool of film you sent me.
          The movie tonight is Stuart Ervine in "Big Mike" and I hope it's good.
          Outside of that there is nothing more so I'll say goodnight to my darling on our baby's third birthday.

Marine Issue Sheath Knife

Page from Gil's photo album. The minicolor shot is of Norma in a bunny costume. The color has faded away. The colored photo taken in Hawaii with Gil,Jim Frug and their jeep is better preserved.

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