Liberty Party Caught in Pour Down

Lt. (j.g.) Gilbert Steingart
U.S.S. Ocelot, F.P.O. San Francisco
Monday 7 May 1945, 7:20 PM
Dearest Eleanor,
          A real easy day for a change.  I had patients all morning but I was able to take my time and not have to work fast.  After lunch I took a liberty party ashore and returned to the ship at 4:45.  As usual on our way back we got caught in a pour down and by the time I got aboard I was drenched to the skin.  However, a nice shower and change of clothes and I was ready for dinner.  After eating we sat up on the poop deck getting the cool evening breeze and after "colors" I came down for our little daily chat.
          The mail brought me four letters from you, one from Ethyl and a return on the sixth lesson of my course.  My grade was 3.96.  Your letters are postmarked the 25th and 27th.  I'm missing some days so I guess there'll be more tomorrow.  Now here goes.
          Looks like you got only got one day of teaching that week but sounds like you enjoyed it.  Your letter made me much happier because you morale is up for a change and your outlook a little brighter.  Try and stay that way for me.
          Just as I thought, you should have gone to the Sipper's.  Everyone isn't as formal and you are and I'm sure they expected you.
          The Mothers' Day gifts should arrive on time and I hope you like them.  Besides all told, they set me back $19, so I know you'll like them.
          I can hardly wait for the photos of Linda.  Looks like both kids are doing okay on bonds but just the same I'll send  birthday bond money for Norma.
          So Marty and Manny had a spat.  Boy oh boy, local politics are sure getting hot.  They were such good friends too.  You guessed it; the whole thing worries me--not.
          I know all about where to write and what to ask for.  The only thing is that there are only a few dentists at the hospital but many medics.  Anyway we'll try.  Cyril Gail is there now.  I read that in a Dental Bulletin I got.
          Tonight's movie is "National Velvet" and I must go now and get a good seat.  Goodnight Sweet and pleasant dreams.

Liberty party going ashore

The nightly movie


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