Beer Is !0 Cents a Can. V.O Whiskey 30 Cents a Shot

Lt. (j.g.) Gilbert Steingart
          U.S.S. Ocelot, F.P.O. San Francisco
            Monday 20 November 1944, 11:00 AM

Dearest Eleanor,

          Good morning Sweet.  How is my darling today? Swell, I'm glad to hear that.

          Yesterday morning, I did a little work in the office and cleared out so my corpsman could finish painting.  Now that it's finished and looking 4.0, someone got the bright idea to run some electric cable through the office.  It never fails.  As soon as you get something fixed up someone will come along and mess it up again.

          After lunch yesterday I hit the beach on a little liberty.  About a half dozen of ship's officers went and we got fairly tanked up.  Still in all, the day cost the magnificent total of $1.20.  Beer cost 10 cents a can and V.O. whiskey 30 cents a shot. Any bar in the United States could make two drinks with the amount of whiskey used in each drink. 

          By the time we got back it was 6:30 PM and there was no more dinner left.  So we fixed some toast and made cold meat sandwiches.  And with a little left over potato salad I sated my hunger in a hurry.  Then I went to the movie and saw "Hail the Conquering Hero" with Eddie Bracken.  What a laugh!  By the end of the picture I was plenty sleepy so I hit the sack early.

          This morning I was routed out of my sack at six o'clock and though I didn't do any work I had to stand by until ten o'clock.  Then I showered, shaved and feeling much refreshed sat down for our little visit together.

          Honey, do you remember our weekend reunions while you summered at Catalina?  Can you imagine out next reunion?  I can't.  Right now it seems so long since I've held you in my arms that it is difficult to imagine such pleasure and happiness.

          I'll sign off with the hope that I get some mail today.  I haven't had any since Friday.  Loving you as always



Half dozen of the Ship's Officers
Gil is the Short One

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