Enclosing a Poems Apropos to Us

Thursday, 31 August 1944, 10:30 AM

Dearest Eleanor,

          Good morning, Sweet, dreamed about you again last night.  I was a civilian and working hard in my office.  You came up but wouldn't kiss me because you had a cold.  However I put stop to that nonsense.  Guess if I had slept on I would have had a cold too.

          Kept pretty busy yesterday.  Got your package off this morning and I hope you like what I sent.  Will send along Linda's and Norma's as soon as possible.

          Received your letter of the 26th, one from Libby with Jim's address and the bulletin.  Send the bulletin regular mail.  Any news in there will keep a week or two longer.  That was yesterday.  This morning I received two more from you, one from Libby and one from my mother.

          It certainly would be wonderful if I could be back in time for your birthday (no I haven't forgotten) but I don't believe anyone knows now where we'll be then.  All one can do is hope.  Even if I can't be with you in person you are always with me in my heart.

          After dinner last night we got out on deck and played a game of dart throwing for awhile.  Then we had a movie "Jungle Woman" which was a remake of one we'd seen.  About a female ape that is changed by some doctor into a human and how she saves the life of an animal trainer when he is attacked by a lion in a cage.  Interesting but some of the sequences were very illogical.

          Dear, I'm enclosing a poem I picked up which I think is apropos to us.  Time to go to work my darling so good bye till tomorrow.

Your loving husband,


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